Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Concept of Critical Digital Infrastructure

Digital is having an increasing impact on the three aspects of national security – (a) internal security, (b) external security and (c) personal security
India has faced a series of internal security challenges that has emanated from the digital world. Such challenges include spreading of rumours that led to significant law and order situations that led to lynching and death of many. Digital has the power to spread misinformation in an explosive manner, and in very short period of time. Digital also has the ability to bring down Critical Information Infrastructure.
However, more importantly, we have reached a stage where many digital services such as mapping, social media, e-commerce etc have become digital utilities which, if affected, can lead to loss of jobs and disruption in the economy. Imagine if Google maps is suddenly withdrawn from India. It will impact the app based cab industry and would render millions jobless. Similarly, if WhatsApp stops working, it will disrupt many business models and impact normal day to day life.
Hence, we can safely label such digital utilities as Critical Digital Infrastructure, which needs to be protected. 
Unfortunately, in India, much of the Critical Digital Infrastructure, is not under the control of Indian entities and under limited control of the Indian government.   

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